If you have ever dealt with tax issues of any kind, then you know just how stressful they can end up being. With your money up in the air, the pressure can almost become too much for a person to bear, no matter how strong-willed and resilient you may happen to be. Facing tax problems all on your own is never an easy thing for a person to have to do. That’s why having tax lawyers on your side can help you out. Here are a few of the main benefits and advantages of having a tax lawyer working for you.
Tax Lawyers Can Put Their Knowledge of the Law to Work for You
Tax lawyers have special knowledge about the federal, state, and local laws that can come to bear in the details of your situation. As an example of this, were you aware of the fact that you can file an administrative claim against a wrongful levy or seizure by the IRS within two years? This is up from nine months under the previous tax law before the year of 2018. Tax lawyers take pride in staying current on these kinds of trends so that they are able to help you out and pursue any form of justice that may be owed to you.
Tax Lawyers Can Negotiate with the IRS on Your Behalf
The Internal Revenue Service or IRS is an intimidating entity to most people, and for plenty of good reasons. The IRS has a lot of control over funds and tax dollars at every level of the current society. If you are in trouble with the Internal Revenue Service it can be a tall order to get out of it all on your own. When you hire legal counsel, especially a lawyer who focuses on tax law, they can negotiate and communicate with the IRS for you so that you don’t have to. This stands to take a lot of the worry out of the situation for anyone facing who happens to be currently dealing with the challenges of their tax problems.
At Michael C. Whelan JD CPA our team will work to represent your legal interests if you are facing any kind of troubles with a bank levy, or if you are trying to get tax lien released or learn how to stop a levy on your bank account. If you have been searching for tax lawyers, then look no further. Our team is here to build a case that will stand up to put your interests first. Contact us today for more information on how one of our tax lawyers can get to work for you.